Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Workout Without Gym Or Equipments

Here is an amazing performance of working out with just your body weight. The great thing about training like this is that you do not need any gym membership of spend money on fancy equipment.

Ways to get 10 minutes effecient excersizes

Experts recommend working out 45 proceedings to an period a day (30 minutes for beginners) for coefficient decease and condition. But if you're equivalent most women, you don't ever eff a inability of 30 to 60 transactions a day to devote alone to doing your workouts.

You can soothe exercise--you right poverty to hand in the equivalent in resourceful slipway. "The air is to cook billowing," says fitness proficient Ann Grandjean, EdD. "Get a cordless phone or put a endless cord on your prescribed phone, and calling when you communicate. Conceptualise whatever entirety for you and honorable run. Commons half a knot from the outlet and calling. Endure Present Adds Up

Lest you judge that contact bursts of reflexion get a worthless validity on your suitableness system, cerebrate again. One excogitate saved that women who separate their exertion into 10-minute increments were author apt to learn consistently, and wasted many metric after 5 months, than women who exercised for 20 to 40 transactions at a time.

In a occasion rumination conducted at the Lincoln of Colony, read physiologist Glenn Gaesser, PhD, asked men and women to exhaustive 15 10-minute read routines a period. After honourable 21 life, the volunteers' oxidative fitness was equalised to that of grouping 10 to 15 age junior. Their strength, muscular animation, and plasticity were isometrical to those of people up to 20 life their younger.

In yet added acquisition, researchers at the Johns Poet Schoolhouse of Medication in Metropolis initiate that for rising upbeat and soundness in strikebound adults, galore runty bursts of state are as impelling as thirster, structured workouts. "It would be expedient for group to get out of the all-or-nothing mind-set that unless they training for 30 transactions, they're symptom their abstraction," says Gaesser.

Breaking drill into dinky chunks on your overscheduled life can also make your sureness up, says Harold Composer, dimension direction skilful and somebody of Harold President Period Consultants in Toronto, who has inscribed extensively on the message. "Skipping practice nakedness is 'de-motivational'--you appear downhearted and chargeable," Composer says. "If you error it, you tend to image, 'What's the use? I can't cell up with it anyway.' Yet as longstanding as you work whatever labor each day, that motivates you Reserve in intent, tho', that scam bursts of learn are meant to increase, not supersede, your weak suitability number. Here's a roundup of useful construction to run work into your day flush when you "don't hit time to sweat." (You don't mortal to do them all in 1 day; select what entirety for you.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Muscle Relaxants: The Best Method To Relieve Muscle Pains

You might have been forced to suffer muscle pain several times in your life. Using a muscle relaxant is the best method to relieve from muscle pains of all kinds. These are drugs which will affect the functioning of muscle and thereby decreases the tone of muscles. All kinds of muscle pains are reduced with the help of relaxants.

When you find symptoms of muscle problems like spasm and pain, try to go for a muscle relaxant. This will alleviate the pain and will help in problems concerning hyperreflexia. There are mainly two kinds of muscle relaxants used in helping to deal with muscle pain.

Neuromuscular blockers are kind of muscle relaxants that will interfere with the transmissions and thereby will not have CNS activity. Such relaxants are used in surgical procedures and will be of great use in cases that require intensive care or emergency attention. Such kind of relaxants is used normally in cases of paralysis.

Another class of muscle relaxants is used as centrally acting medicines. They will alleviate pains such as musculoskeletal problems and will reduce the pain due to spasms. This is the most commonly used relaxants generally used in cases of muscle pains. Treating muscle pain with muscle relaxants is the best method for lessening discomforts due to improper functioning of muscles.

The muscle relaxants will help to regulate the aches in the back and in the spine. When chronic muscle pain affect our normal health conditions and causes severe pain, we will be troubled and this will even interfere with our sleep. In such cases, a relaxant will help us to deal with chronic pain of spasm and will help to improve sleep.

Medications like Skelaxin, Felxeril, Tramadol, Soma etc will help you to avoid all pain due to muscle problems. Skelaxin is normally preferred since they are free of problems like drowsiness in case of day time use. Flexeril can be used on a regular basis and can be used to increase sleep slowly. This will help patients suffering from sleeplessness to wake up freshly in the morning.

The muscle relaxants are prescribed by doctors in the treatment of acute muscle pain. The mechanism of these medicines might differ slightly, though all have common effect. Problems in connection with mobility and that will affect the mood of people can be wiped off completely with the help of these medications. They can also help people to get rid of fatigue health conditions.

Buy cheap medication online with No prior prescription needed. Leading U.S. licensed online pharmacy providing a wide selection of brand name medication at discount prices. Offering free consultations and FedEx overnight shipping.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Is Depression Always a Medical Problem?

Advertisements for anti-depression drugs are constantly smattered across the tube today. They are accompanied with the possible advantages of taking one drug or another to relieve this common malady. By law such ads are followed with a list of contraindications (possible side effects) some which sound much worse than the depression itself.

Along with these ads is a little noticed disclaimer or shall we refer to it as a simple honest statement about depression. That statement is that the cause for common depression is not fully known. I use the word common here for an important purpose. Surely some depression is in fact caused by chemical imbalance or emotional shock of some kind. No one could argue that point.

It is said that up to twenty million Americans have some sort of depression. It seems to be a modern phenomenon in our history as a nation. There are few records of this malady prior to the early twentieth century. Depression prior to the modern era was often referred to as melancholy. Abraham Lincoln was said to suffer deep bouts of melancholy that were offset with times of joviality and levity. Perhaps a change in his attitude was his own way of making adjustments or a behavioral self medication of sorts.

Few studies conducted on depression include a side by side comparison with other countries or cultures. Some countries have virtually no sizable number of reported cases of depression. Often these are the poorest countries in the world. A lot could be deduced from this about how much money; affluence and materialism have to do with making Americans happy and well balanced.

In thirty five years of studying the Bible I have never heard one preacher or theologian worth his salt ever approach the causes for depression based on a biblical view. Not only does the Bible explain the cause of depression but it provides a complete answer to it as well. No, it is not a miracle or a divine healing it is simply a profound change in a life that pushes the depression out sometimes instantly and in some cases more slowly. First let’s look at the cause for most general depression in people according to the Bible.

Contrary to the general consensus God doesn’t just wink at unbelief but he is actively engaged in convicting the unbeliever to answer his call to salvation. His dogged pursuit is fired not just by the fact that they are sinners but because he loves every human being that is born in a way that is beyond our imagination. God is trying to love people into his kingdom not drag them into it. To do this he has to make them fully aware of their separation from him. It is a present pressure applied by God’s Holy Spirit.

Jesus spoke of this matter and he said in no uncertain terms that it is one of the Holy Spirit’s primary works while he is in the world. He said in John’s gospel “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove (convict) the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” Jn. 16:7, 8.

Believers often say they came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and that is what finally brought them to pray and accept the salvation God is offering. Unbelievers say they’re depressed, moody or in some inexplicable state of mind. That the conviction described by the believer and the depression felt by the unbeliever is one and the same thing is verified by the countless millions over the centuries that ceased to experience the depression soon after they yielded to God. I have seen this result countless times in the past more than three decades. This first hand experience and the scriptural support have convinced me beyond doubt that millions of people are suffering needlessly.

I would never advise anyone not to see their doctor for a complete examination of their depression. If it does happen to be a chemical imbalance or related to an emotional experience then the question is answered. If this does not answer the question then seeking God for his salvation should be the next move in their lives. In fact it should be the first move in their lives.

Speaking for myself I think living apart from Jesus’ love and having no certain hope of the future would indeed be very depressing. I’m glad I answered that question many years ago.

It is commonly accepted that depression is caused by some medical or emotional problem. Here is a viewpoint that questions this assumption.

20 Pounds Of Lean Muscle In 1 Month?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 20 pounds of sheer lean mass is just not realistic nor possible. If you are starting off you can probably pull off at-least 5 pounds of lean muscle mass per month. Well what happens when you are eating at a 700 caloric surplus. Your body can and will only use a specific amount of calories produce lean muscle tissue by repairing. Not all 700 calories are going to be used, which is why it is logical to say that you will gain some fat during your weight gain process.

Now a good rule of thumb to follow is to simply-gain 1 pound per week. This will ensure that you gain the least amount of fat and the most amount of lean mass. However note that gaining muscle/fat ratio is solely dependent on how much clean foods you eat. The more clean foods you eat the less fat you will gain.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Importance of Consistency.. 3421

One important thing to stress is motivation. You have to find a way to motivate yourself. Really put emotion into it, positive motivation. Without motivation there is a really high likely chance that you are going to lose consistency. Losing consistency can be one of the biggest factors as to why your not gaining or approaching your goals faster .Always execute whatever your goals are regardless of your emotions. You have to toughen your brain up psychologically. There will always be excuses.

Studies reveal that most Americans engage in physical fitness only once in a while.  Others don't even exercise at all. And yet, about a quarter are able to find time to go the gym and sweat it out to their heart's delight.  How could they?
It's easy to start a lifestyle of fitness. What's difficult is how to be consistent with it.  Most people would spend money to enroll in gym memberships or buy those fitness equipment only to quit as soon as they start. Either they are too busy that they couldnt no longer find time to keep it going or they quickly lose their interest due to lack of motivation.
In order to stay motivated, try to set some fitness goals and write them on paper. Putting them down on paper gives them more weight than just saying things to yourself.  be specific and realistic with your goals.  Instead of telling yourself that “I will start working out in a gym next week and build some muscles,” try writing it down in paper as “I will start working out in a gym next week, 3 times a week, Monday...Wednesday...and Friday, after work.” Setting unrealistic goals may lead to disappointment and frustration.  Exercise can give you a healthier body and add a certain glow, but it won't catch you a lover or turn you into a celebrity or supermodel.
Setting aside a specific regular time for your fitness regimen is important to keep your enthusiasm going. The number one reason why most people, especially women, don't exercise is because they're too busy doing things for other people: their spouse, their kids, their boss. Make a plan or schedule for all the little stumbling blocks that usually get in the way and incorporate your time for exercise into your daily routine. Be sure to follow it and stick to it. Biking to work or taking a walk to do errands make a great deal in adding physical activity to your lifestyle.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Cant I Lose Weight??

I keep seeing people complaining and coming up with excuses where "I've tried everything, no carbs or rice, nothing but protein but I still cant lose weight!!," Hearing these complaints especially from a young person is extremely unreal in my eyes. The reason why your not losing weight is extremely simple, your not training hard enough. There is no reason why a young man should not be able to lose weight.

Its all about proportion, you have to have the right amount of carbohydrates, the right amounts of proteins and the right amount of green leafy vegetables. Sure you can go extremely low carb, but your not a freaking body builder. Your goal should be to become healthy and fit and lower your body fat percentage. There is no better way of shedding weight off and keeping it off than by increasing your metabolism.

The most simplest way of raising and boosting your metabolism is by weight training or resistance training where your muscle fibers are engaged. When you break down your muscle fibers there is more work being done by the body which causes you to continuously burn calories while being passive. Remember this is key weight training + cardio. With just the right amount of cardio and a balanced diet of clean nutrient dense foods. There is NO reason why you wouldn't be losing weight.

Here Is a Simple Workout You Can Use As A Reference.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Learn To Do A Muscle Up

Have you ever always wanted to do a muscle up but are just constantly struggling. Watch this video, as there are quite a good amount of techniques that you can actually do to obtain the technique. Of course there are  per-requisites are wide grip pullups and dips on a bar. Once you learn those you are much closer to learning how to muscle up. Their are certain techniques however, for example like kipping.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pre Workout Supplements - The Truth

Pre Workout Supplements are great. No they wont magically allow you to gain 10 pounds of muscle in a month. The only reason why it would be good option is due to the amount of energy it gives you. It has high doses of caffeine and other stimulants. However some pre workout supplements can't make you crash. The crash can be pretty intense depending on the supplement. However a pre workout supplement should not be abused. The main reason being is that it will cause you to build a tolerance to the caffeine and the stimulant. So each time you use it it becomes less and less useful. Its a good idea to take a good month and a half off the supplement so that your tolerance for it decreases. Some examples of some great pre workout supplements:

 1) CRAZE:

2) Jack3d :

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bulk Effectivly

In order to build muscle efficiently, you shouldn't just rely on supplements. Especially if your nutrition is poor. In order to build muscle the concept is simple. You need to intake more calories than your body requires with proper weight training that is. However this doesn't just mean you eat whatever you eat in sight. Sure you'll be gaining muscle this way but you'll also put some fat on through this process. So how to stay lean while bulking? You can try Intermittent fasting and add some cardio after your workouts. The cardio doesn't have to be gruesome but just enough.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post WorkOut Nutrition/Intra Workout

You've just finished an awesome workout, and you're feeling pumped. You have plans with friends, so you move on to the locker room, hop in the shower, don your street clothes, and you are out the door thirty minutes later. You fight traffic for an additional thirty minutes, and finally meet up with your friends. Your window of opportunity has passed. You did not get the post workout muscle supplements that you needed to enhance muscle growth.

Muscles are in a constant state or activity. They are either breaking down, or building up, and what you are doing and consuming determines which process is going on at all times. Simply put, if muscle protein synthesis is not taking place, the muscles are breaking down.

This is where high protein muscle supplements can come in handy. If consumed immediately after a workout - within sixty minutes - you will be amazed at the benefits of these muscle supplements. When you are training with weights, there is an increase of amino acids and glucose through the muscles. This uptake continues for approximately sixty minutes after you stop working those muscles. By injecting more protein into that process, you are essentially ensuring that your muscles are quickly getting a nice dose of protein right away.

By using a muscle supplement right after a workout, you will not only be greatly enhancing the effects of your workout, with almost immediate results, but you will also be speeding up the muscle healing process that always takes place after a workout.

The best muscle supplement to use after your workout should be a high quality carbohydrate and protein mix. Many bodybuilders get this carb/protein mix with the use of a shake - because it is quick and easy. There are numerous high quality muscle supplement shakes on the market, and this is definitely an investment that you will want to make. Furthermore, we know that liquids work through your system much faster than solids.

The muscle supplement shake that you choose should have 30 to 40 grams of protein, with 25 to 30 grams of carbs. These can be purchased in liquid form, but it is generally cheaper to buy this in powder form, and mix it with water. Water is just as important as the carbs and protein, because water is the vehicle that actually moves nutrients through the muscles.

The use of post workout muscle supplements is one of the best kept secrets in the bodybuilding world. Those big muscles that you see are not due to steroids, as many people mistakenly assume. They are due to understanding how the body works, and making sure that the process of muscle building is enhanced as much as possible, through your own actions.

Those bodybuilders who do take advantage of this sixty minute window of opportunity following a workout usually notice a vast difference within a few hours - not only in how they look, but also in how they feel. Make sure that you include post workout muscle supplements to your regimen.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rock Hard Abs! Do You Have What it Takes?

If your abs look good, your whole body looks good. Having Big arms and chest is one thing but having rock hard defined abs is so another.

Everyone knows that nothing turns heads like a defined full set of abs. And hey, chicks love em. What more needs to be said.

Contrary to popular belief, the abs or Rectus Abdominis is really only one muscle. It stretches from the top of your pelvis up to your ribcage. The "six-pack" as it is called is merely sections of this one muscle.

Dispelling the Ab Myths:

The action of any muscle is simply to contract. And as you can't contract half your bicep or quad, it makes sense that you cannot contract half your abs as well. Therefore the myths about "upper ab" and "lower ab" training are total nonsense. I'm not discounting those training methods but the simple fact is that if you can't see your lower abs, it just means you've got fat covering them, not that you need to work them harder.

Say goodbye to hanging knee-raises, straight-leg raises, and any other type of leg raises for building your abs. They simply don't work. The primary role of your abs is to stabilize your body. When you raise your leg for example, your hip flexors pull on your spine and arch it forward/downward. Your abs stabilize this action by resisting and essentially keeping your back from breaking. Take note that this is the static action of the abs. It doesn't build or strengthen. Leg raising exercises only feel like they are effectively working your abs because of the repeated strain and exhaustion of your muscle producing catabolic, lactic acid build up. Search for "lactic acid" at http://www.muscle-body.com for more information.

What Really Works:

What does strengthen your abs is what strengthens any other muscle in your body. Contraction! In this case - Decreasing the distance between your rib cage and your pelvis.

So we come back to the good old sit-up. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, forget about the cool all-the-way-up sit-ups you see in the movies. Your abs are fully contracted when your shoulders are about 5 to 6 inches off the ground. So don't bother trying to impress or outperform someone by touching your elbows to your knees. It does nothing for you. Crunches as they are sometimes called are the way to go.

Secondly, don't wedge your feet under something to help you get up. You don't need to do this if you are doing crunches properly anyway. Your legs should be at 90 degrees to each other and your knees at 45 degrees to your waist. If you need to, use something to press your heels back against to stabilize yourself. This way you will use your hamstrings instead of your hip flexors which will keep the focus on your abs.

Thirdly, keep your hands lightly held against the side of your head or crossed on your chest. Don't clasp them together behind your head or neck. If you do you will be tempted to pull with your hands to get the last few reps out, which will put unnecessary strain on this fragile part of the spine.


Another good exercise for abs is kneeling crunches. You will need special equipment to perform this exercise. This is where you kneel and contract your abs so that your upper body arches forward/downward. You hold a rope attached to a pulley with weights for extra resistance. Most gyms will have a rope attachment to the triceps pull down to perform this exercise. The idea is to lock your arms against your upper body so that you pull down only with your abs and not your arms.

Ab Training Devices:

In 2 words - Forget it.

You don't need them. Most of them do nothing for you. Building muscle is hard and it hurts. Most of these devices are designed to take the pressure off your body making the exercise seem easy and con you into thinking you are really targeting your muscles. Don't believe the hype. Ab training is definitely hard work but definitely worth it's reward.

The Secret:

The difficulty in obtaining great abs is not so much building the muscle. It's cutting enough fat from your body for them to show. You probably know by now that spot-reduction of fat simply doesn't work here. In order to show those abs you need overall fat loss. Check out http://www.muscle-guide.com for more info.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Amazing Warm Up Excersize Bar Training [Intermediate]

You have to check this out. These guys are amazing bar athletes, training for years and years. The good thing about this warmup is that it requires NO equipment. Yes you can be fit and healthy with no equipment man. It is possible believe it or not. Here is the video, definatly some entertaining stuff to look at.

Monday, August 27, 2012

How To recover Faster from Workouts

The title is quite self explanitory. When it comes to recovery it is the most important in building muscle. If you are not letting your muscles recover they simply wont grow. That is just the truth. They need to recover in order to grow. Check it out, this is a video of Eliot who is showing techniques in how to recover faster.

This is defiantly something worth checking out, its brilliant.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bar Training

If you wanna see something that requires a lot of strength then just watch the video down below. This is something for fit healthy people, quite entertaining as well. They are usually called bar athletes. Training like this can be very effective in gaining lean quality size and strength. Build a nice muscular physique. Check it out.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Best Excersizes For Muscle

Trying to build some muscle? Well doing bicep curls all day will not give you big arms sad to say. However there are certain excersizes that are better for building muscle. These excersizes are compound, meaning they work multiple muscle groups at once. Its also better for weight loss. The more muscles you incorporate the more your resting metabolic rate will increase. That is exactly what you want when it comes to fat loss.

Killer Professional Weight Loss Plan


important note : this plan is geared and recommended for Healthy Adult Men that have intermediate to advanced experience at the gym. it is not to be performed by individuals who are minors or persons with medical conditions. Always consult your physician & Doctor before starting any serious sport activity.

This Program was solely developed by me as a result of my 20 years experience in natural bodybuilding. it contains 3 important components : weight training , Diet and cardio.
it is Mandatory to Stick to the plan in every detail to obtain good results. Failure to Follow the plan accordingly will hinder greatly the results.
Your Main asset during This journey is your Will, hard work and Dedication.
Some of You will fail to Comply and to fully adhere to the plan for different reasons but the rest of you who have the Guts to Take on the Challenge and go on with the Plan will be rewarded with probably the best physique they ever had, Will you be one of them???.
NB: please note that i have Always been a 100% natural Bodybuilder and i Always Knew that the Big Boys either on the Magazines or the So Called Gym Rats at the Gym were Taking Steroids and performance enhancing Drugs. all of you guys know that! but that did not stop me from always researching the Best Natural way to optimize my shape to the best i can in a 100% Natural way. i had my ups and downs, i have red 100's of Magazines, 100's of reviews on nutritions and supplements and i genuinely think at this point that i know a good deal about what works and what does not work.
The First think you guys will Notice is the SIMPLICITY of the PLAN! Lots of folks think that it is so complicated to get in shape whereas in reality we need to keep it as simple as possible to succeed , trust me on this! ;)
First of all let me go through the Supplements i take and am still taking either continuously or periodically, you guys will have to check if these supplements are available & or legal in your different countries. All these Supplements are Legal & available in north America :
1) Multivitamins & Minerals
2) EFA's = Omega 3 ( essential fatty acids)
3) Glucosamine ( for your joints)
these 3 up here are regular supplements that a normal person could take anyway but they are VERY important for us.
Now let's get down to supplements that are Bodybuilding related :
4) Whey protein ( the most important supplement)
5) Casein or any other time released protein mix ( i'll tell you about this stuff on a video)

10) Dextrose or Maltodextrine ( Very high Glycemic simple sugar, inexpensive as well)

11) very recommended but not mandatory : Preworkout supplement , there are tons of them out there, you can ask me for the brand i prefer i'll tell you.
Note: if you guys don't have the means to get these Supplements at least try to Get the Whey Protein because it is important.Also note that i do not recommend any FAT BURNERS for it is not compatible with my plan.
Now let's get down to Business : The plan will be divided unto 4 months that will be differentiated by changes in Diet, Cardio and supplement intake, on the other hand the weight lifting will stay the same during the 4 months ( your biggest challenge when it comes to weight lifting will be to stick truthfully to my program and not ADD other exercises i did not proscribe)
Now here is the training plan that will never Change during the 4 months :
Monday : CHEST : 3 Drop Sets of incline Barbell press (8.8.8) IE: each set will have 24
3 Drop Sets of Decline Barbell Press (8.8.8) ( same as above)
3 Drop sets of Flat bench Dumbbell Press ( not barbell) (6.6.6)
3 Drop sets of Flat Dumbbell Flies (8.8.8) ( next week you will be
doing decline flies instead and you'll switch back and forth each week
TRICEPS : Flat Bench Head Crushers 3 Drop sets ( 8.8.8)
Incline Bench Head Crushers 3 drop Sets (8.8.8)
overhead dumbbell extensions 3 Drop sets ( 6.6.6)
BICEPS : 5 Drop sets of Barbell Preacher curls will a straight Barbell ( 8.8.8)
( yes that's it for the Biceps) lots of you are going like : What the hell!
i know ;)
BRACHIALIS: 3 sets of hamer curls ( 8 reps each) no drop sets
ABS : 3 sets of crunches ( 20 reps)
3 Sets of Leg raises ( 20 reps) if you have strong abs add a 5 lbs dumbbell or
more if you can ( i lift a 25lbs Dumbbell in my leg raises)
2 sets of Dumbbell oblique Sways (25 reps) i recommend 20 lbs for starters
CARDIO : 30 min of treadmill or bike at 135 Heart beat per Min
BACK: 4 Drop Sets of Barbell Rows ( 6.6.6)
4 Drop Sets of Dumbbell Rows ( 6.6.6)
3 Sets of pull overs ( 8 reps) no drop sets
SHOULDERS: 3 Drop sets of Barbell Press ( 8.8.8)
3 Drop Sets of Dumbbell raises ( 6.6.6)
3 drop sets of reverse flies (6.6)
TRAPS : 3 Drop Sets of Shrugs ( 6.6.6)
ABS : 3 sets of crunches ( 20 reps)
3 Sets of Leg raises ( 20 reps) if you have strong abs add a 5 lbs dumbbell or
more if you can ( i lift a 25lbs Dumbbell in my leg raises)
2 sets of Dumbbell oblique Sways (25 reps) i recommend 20 lbs for starters
CARDIO : 30 min of treadmill or bike at 135 Heart beat per Min
QUADS : LEG Press : 4 SETS of 8 ( don't dare doing Drop sets if you are not lifting
serious weights for years, legs are big muscles and pump an enormous amount of blood, Drop sets are for advanced Bodybuilders when it comes to legs and certainly not while dieting)
4 Series of Squats (8)( i do them on a smith machine)
HAMSTRINGS: 5 Sets of 8 of Stiff Legs dead lifts ( warm up well for this one and if
you have trouble doing it, replace it with Leg Curls.
CALVES : it's up to you, any machine at the gym will do good ( don't spend more
than 20 min here though)
ABS : 3 sets of crunches ( 20 reps)
3 Sets of Leg raises ( 20 reps) if you have strong abs add a 5 lbs dumbbell or
more if you can ( i lift a 25lbs Dumbbell in my leg raises)
2 sets of Dumbbell oblique Sways (25 reps) i recommend 20 lbs for starters
CARDIO : 30 min of treadmill or bike at 135 Heart beat per Min
PS: this is my Training plan. it is VERY simple, a lot of you guys may be going like : what the hell??? that's it? YES that is it! no Fancy stuff, No MACHINES, No Cables , ONLY FREE WEIGHTS, Dumbbells and BARBELS . but as i said you got to trust me on this if you wanna follow my plan, trust me, been there done it! ,,,,KEEP it Simple, . PERIOD! and i know that most intermediate Bodybuilders will take some time to get this but this is the Fruit of 2 decades of training. And Remember, we are Natural Bodybuilders, we don't go by the same Rules as the Freaky Roids Guys.
Now let's Get down to CARDIO:
Beside of you doing Cardio each time after your Workout for 30 Min you will also Have to do Cardio For 30 min EACH Day, First thing in the Morning on an empty stomach ( just drink a big Glass of water before,, i said water not Juice nor any other energy drink) and your heart beat needs to be between 135 and 140, if you have a treadmill or bike at home , you're fine it will have the heart beat calculator. if you don't have any, Go Take a jog outside ( very light jogging, don't run like crazy, you need to be able to talk while jogging, don't fatigue your self). and again guys, i said each day, sunny day, rainy day you name it. you need your 30 min of morning cardio on DAILY!


IMPORTANT NOTE : meals are seperated by 3 Hours except for the meal 4 and 5 during workout days.
Diet Plan : The Diet Plan is what will pretty much determine the Scale of your Fat Burning, During the 4 Months period we will downgrade the Carbs intake in 3 phases to burn out the fat and then we will Carb up during a Whole Month in a controlled manner to maximize the mass gain induced by the natural high hormonal state in which the body is after a period of dieting .
Meal1: 1 Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a
Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
and Glucosamine
You'll grow to love this breakfast , it is a delight as far as am concerned
meal2 : 1 Main meal of your choice
meal3: 1 main meal of your choice
meal4: you just finished your Gym training. you'll take the post workout Shake.
Meal5: this one is one Hour after Meal4 not 3 hours. you'll take 1 fruit + a Whey Pro
Shake with water ( not milk)
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk

Meal1: 1 Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a

Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
meal2 : 1 Main meal of your choice
meal3: 1 main meal of your choice
Meal4: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
Meal5: Whey protein with milk
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk.
Month 2: it's gonna be really Basic you just need to substitute Meal3 with the content of meal4 so it's gonna be as follows :
Right after your cardio,
Meal1: 1 Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a
Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
and Glucosamine
You'll grow to love this breakfast , it is a delight as far as am concerned
meal2 : 1 Main meal of your choice
meal3: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
meal4: you just finished your Gym training. you'll take the post workout Shake.
Meal5: this one is one hour after Meal4 not 3 hours. you'll take 1 fruit + a Whey Pro
Shake with water ( not milk)
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk
Pretty much the same as the training one except meal4 and 5
30m min cardio followed buy

Meal1: 1 Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a

Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
and glucosamine
meal2 : 1 Main meal of your choice
meal3: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
Meal4: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
Meal5: Whey protein with milk
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk.
Month 3:
Right after your cardio,
Meal1: 1 HALF of a Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a
Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
and glucosamine
You'll grow to love this breakfast , it is a delight as far as am concerned
meal2 : 1/2 Main meal of your choice
meal3: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
meal4: you just finished your Gym training. you'll take the post workout Shake.
Meal5: this one is one hour after Meal4 not 3 hours. you'll take 1 fruit + a Whey Pro
Shake with water ( not milk)
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk
Pretty much the same as the training one except meal4 and 5
30m min cardio followed by

Meal1: 1 HALF of a Whole wheat Beagle with FAT Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese + a

Protein Shake with Skimmed Milk) + you'll take your Vitamins and Omega3
And Glocosamine
meal2 : 1/2 Main meal of your choice
meal3: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
Meal4: a salad of your choice that has either Tuna, chicken breast or egg whites
( needless to say that it has no oil no dressing no salt etc,,,,)
Meal5: Whey protein with milk
Meal6: Casein Shake with water or Skimmed Lactose free Milk.
Month 4: EXACTLY LIKE MONTH 1 and we add 10 G of Creatine and Tribulus in that First morning Juice OK????
Note : drink tons of water during this month. AND STOP COMPLETELY THE MORNING CARDIO. Time to gain back some real mass.
Post Workout Shake : 50 grams of Whey Pro + 10 Grams BCAA + 10 Grams Glutamine+ 35 Grams of Dextrose or Maltodextrine (+10 Grams of Creatine in month 4)
Main Meals : the Main Meal needs to Have a Whole grains Carbs Like : Brown rice, Whole wheat Brown spaghetti,,,and you,ll add on your either Chichen Breast white meat, White Fish, Lean red meat, sea food, etc,,,,,with Assorted Veggies of your choice
( IMPORTANT NO OIL TO BE ADDED' NOT TOO MUCH SALT, and the Carb Quantity we are talking about needs to be a Cup of either rice or Brown spaghetti Not a BIG Cup.

Credits Go To Him Check Him Out:

How to lose weight effectivly

Seriously, You don't need any supplements when it comes to losing weight. You can do it naturally and effectively. I am going to simplify it to the extreme so read carefully.

 Weight training for 30 min - 40 minutes. Then a half hour of cardio vascular excersize.
Im talking about CARDIO not walking on a tredmill.
Do a nice paced jog for a couple minutes then you can move onto something less difficult like jumproping.
Make sure you are training on an empty stomach.
You can maximize your results greatly just by doing your training without any food


This is whats going to be the deciding factor on whether you actually lose the weight off
Your strength and rate of fat loss depends on this.
One thing to always keep in mind for overweight people is to increase protein.
Keep your carbohydrates and sugar completely low while your proteins high.
Make sure you eat green leafy vegetables.
Eat clean and slightly less than what you originally would.

If you ever heard of Intermittent fasting which is extremely effective check it out here.
I will make a post about IF later. :) enjoy.

Build Muscle The Right Way

I hope that the text you are about to read really changes your life. It will if you pay attention. Building muscle, looking lean and muscular is extremely simple. However it is not something that can happen overnight. You have to give it time and patience. Once you have that applied then you are already half way there. 

You have to choose one goal. Are you skinny and you want to build muscle, or are you fat and wanna look like bradd pit. If you fat well, your gonna have to shed the fat off considerably before you can start actually dive into a lean and healthy bulking phase.

Once you have decided what your goals are, in terms of losing fat first or building muscle. You cannot do both at the same time, you can try but the muscle gains will be close to none. You'll gain maybe .001 lb a weak of lean mass if you are experienced. However beginners have it easy. You will naturally start building muscle. Will it make you look like Arnold when he was 18 years old? Nope. In the mean time this is a great channel to checkout videos of twinmuscleworkout. These dudes definitely know what they are talking about. You might wanna check their channel out.