Saturday, September 15, 2012

Learn To Do A Muscle Up

Have you ever always wanted to do a muscle up but are just constantly struggling. Watch this video, as there are quite a good amount of techniques that you can actually do to obtain the technique. Of course there are  per-requisites are wide grip pullups and dips on a bar. Once you learn those you are much closer to learning how to muscle up. Their are certain techniques however, for example like kipping.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pre Workout Supplements - The Truth

Pre Workout Supplements are great. No they wont magically allow you to gain 10 pounds of muscle in a month. The only reason why it would be good option is due to the amount of energy it gives you. It has high doses of caffeine and other stimulants. However some pre workout supplements can't make you crash. The crash can be pretty intense depending on the supplement. However a pre workout supplement should not be abused. The main reason being is that it will cause you to build a tolerance to the caffeine and the stimulant. So each time you use it it becomes less and less useful. Its a good idea to take a good month and a half off the supplement so that your tolerance for it decreases. Some examples of some great pre workout supplements:

 1) CRAZE:

2) Jack3d :

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bulk Effectivly

In order to build muscle efficiently, you shouldn't just rely on supplements. Especially if your nutrition is poor. In order to build muscle the concept is simple. You need to intake more calories than your body requires with proper weight training that is. However this doesn't just mean you eat whatever you eat in sight. Sure you'll be gaining muscle this way but you'll also put some fat on through this process. So how to stay lean while bulking? You can try Intermittent fasting and add some cardio after your workouts. The cardio doesn't have to be gruesome but just enough.