Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Cant I Lose Weight??

I keep seeing people complaining and coming up with excuses where "I've tried everything, no carbs or rice, nothing but protein but I still cant lose weight!!," Hearing these complaints especially from a young person is extremely unreal in my eyes. The reason why your not losing weight is extremely simple, your not training hard enough. There is no reason why a young man should not be able to lose weight.

Its all about proportion, you have to have the right amount of carbohydrates, the right amounts of proteins and the right amount of green leafy vegetables. Sure you can go extremely low carb, but your not a freaking body builder. Your goal should be to become healthy and fit and lower your body fat percentage. There is no better way of shedding weight off and keeping it off than by increasing your metabolism.

The most simplest way of raising and boosting your metabolism is by weight training or resistance training where your muscle fibers are engaged. When you break down your muscle fibers there is more work being done by the body which causes you to continuously burn calories while being passive. Remember this is key weight training + cardio. With just the right amount of cardio and a balanced diet of clean nutrient dense foods. There is NO reason why you wouldn't be losing weight.

Here Is a Simple Workout You Can Use As A Reference.

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